
Showing posts from April, 2021

5 Reasons why Dance is the greatest workout

Dancing is seen by many as a fun activity, but it can also serve as a good exercise. There are hundreds of studies that show that dancing is good for both the body and the mind. When you dance, your heart begins to beat faster, you’re breathing faster and you use different muscle groups. Here are some reasons why dancing is a true exercise. REDUCE THE RISK OF HEART DISEASE First, a dance workout reduces the risk of heart problems. The benefits are so great that dancing is more effective when it comes to reducing the risk of heart problems, rather than walking. This is due to the combination of intense dancing, variations of heartbeat and lastly, social interaction. TRAIN YOUR MIND Aside from the fact that dancing is a real form of exercise, it is also good for your brain. Not only do you need to be physically able to perform the steps of the dance, but also you need to remember the steps. You have to take the right steps on the right rhythm while music is playing. So, you have to combi...

5 Best Workout Routines to Lose Weight

Being physically active is one of the most important things in life, especially in today’s time when the need of the hour is to stay fit and healthy while you conveniently stay at home, safe. Exercising regularly contributes towards a healthy lifestyle when you are trying to lose weight or manage a moderate weight. Typically, one starts to shed weight when they increase the level of physical activities and lower calorie intake. So, here we are sharing with you some of the best workout routines, while you start looking up for a diet that best suits your body type. Zumba:   One of the most energetic fitness regimes, Zumba workouts are fun and effective at the same time. If you didn’t have the time to practice your hip hop session, you can make up for it by practising 30 minutes of Zumba at any time of the day. Trust us, it is equally awesome and best for weight loss! #Didyouknow:   Zumba dance for beginners   is amongst the most looked up on the internet, so, if you have co...