Offline vs Online Learning: Ucanji taking Dance Classes Online

Learning every day is the stepping stone towards growth, and amidst the self-implemented quarantine inflicted by the Coronavirus pandemic, everyone is taking relevant measures to maximize their stay at home, putting aside their mental and physical fitness.

But no more! If you are worried about your child taking online classes over offline in-person classes, then we are here to resolve that for you, cause learning dance has never been easy for kids, adults or people of any age.

Ucanji has brought together technology, skilled professionals, online dance classes in India and an easy platform to enable everyone to learn from anywhere they want. To keep you safe, fit and healthy!

Still confused why?

Here are a few reasons, why your child should join online dance classes for kids:

      1. Good for their mental and physical health: Children are the ones who are suffering the most during the pandemic with minimal or zero physical activity. The play time, sports and everything have taken a back seat in front of the deadly virus. But, is that where it should stop? Isn’t their mental and physical health equally important? Ucanji has curated numerous online dance classes for kids (especially for kids) to help them get fit from the comfort and safety of the home.
      2. Parents can monitor their kids’ activities: Parents are unable to see their child grow, can not monitor how their kids are learning or performing. With online dance classes, now you get the opportunity to keep track of your child’s growth and monitor if they are going right, or also set goals for them, participate/practice with them to encourage them.
      3. No drop & pick routine: Wherever you live, parents feel safe in dropping and picking their kids from their school, classes, and more, which takes up a lot of time, and sometimes students end up missing their classes. It will never be the case, no more. If your kid is taking classes from the home, then you do not have to go out to drop or pick, saving you a lot of time, and also pushing your kids to be ready on time for the session.
      4. Avoid public spaces/Safety from COVID-19: Coronavirus has affected the way we live, and being indoors is the best option available. But, because of that, we can’t stop the growth of our children. Just like the phrase – The Show Must Go On, we must continue pushing our kids to be fit and healthy, and kids workout via dance is wholesome, uplifting and safe from COVID-19.
      5. Will boost their confidence: Not being able to go out, communicate or engage with kids of the same age can make your child an introvert or just make them lose their confidence. Joining a dance class online will boost their confidence, as it will give them something to look forward to and will engage in activities that help release happy hormones in the body.

There are a million more reasons why taking online classes is the need of the hour and why it is a much better option over offline classes, but it is up to you to make the right decision for your child – which is to stay at home and learn dance online.

Just visit UcanJi, and scroll through a plethora of dance genres and dance classes especially curated for kids, and for you too.

Yes, you read it right. Apart from specialised lessons for kids, Ucanji brings to you a range of dance and fitness sessions to help you get back on track and regain control of your mental and physical health.

So, what are you waiting for? Make the right choice, now!


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