Online Dance for Beginners in India: Do’s and Don'ts

Dance! There’s no better way to express yourself. And for passionate dancers, there’s no other way to live life. But every passionate dancer was once a beginner. And being a beginner in anything can work in one of two ways. In that, your zeal and new found passion for the activity or hobby in question alone can take you forward in your quest to master it. But on the other hand, sometimes the fear and anxiety of taking on something new can get the better of you. And to make sure that you fall in the first category here’s a list of do’s and don’ts related to dancing, keeping beginners in mind.

Do’s -

3 things that will ensure that you keep coming back to the dance floor.

Focus on One or Two Dance Forms First

The institute of dancing is immeasurable in size. As per Decathlon UK’s website, there are 28 major dance forms in the world. But if we focus on every dance form ever, there would be even more. For example, there are 8 Indian classical dance forms in India alone.

So focus on 1 or 2 to start with, or perhaps just 1.

Consider Online Dance Classes

Nothing beats the comfort of home and dance is no different. While of course, there’s merit in going down to a studio to learn dance, Online dance classes can be cheaper, more easily accessible and require less effort to pursue.

Give Yourself Space

Dancing requires a lot of movement, especially when footwork comes into play. And even if it doesn’t, you need that extra space just to feel free while moving around. So, try and a hall or a large room for your dance practice.

Don'ts -

3 things that will ensure you don’t give up on dancing.


(Don’t) Stop Dancing

Remember, dance is not something you HAVE to do, but something you want to. It’s not something you have to get better at in a matter of days or weeks. You can take your sweet time. But the important part is to have fun, and the best way to ensure you do that is by dancing everyday.

(Don’t) Hide your Talent

Dancing is all about expressing yourself. Remember, the whole point of incorporating dance into your life and workout routine is that it's a more fun and intuitive way of both, getting a good workout, and keeping your mind and soul happy. So, even if you are in the stage of taking dance classes for beginners, don’t be shy to bust out some of your favorite moves, whenever the opportunity presents itself. 

(Don’t) Go for Difficult Moves and Routines Right from the Start

While, on one hand, you should not hold yourself back from getting on dance floors, on the other, you should not bite more than you can chew. So, when you look for online dance classes, be honest with yourself regarding your level of proficiency. If you take on too much of a challenge, not only is it possible for you to hurt or over-exhaust yourself, but you may also end up feeling discouraged. So, take your time to get to the point where you could take on fast routines, acrobatic move sets, and technically demanding dance routines. Start with something simple like Bollywood dance classes. 

Those were 3 do’s and 3 don'ts that every fresher to the world of dance should keep in mind. Remember, like with everything else, dance too, is a marathon, and not a race. So take it slow, and don’t forget to have fun along the way!




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